Creating well-being and social inclusion for disadvantaged families living in poverty is what we are all about.
NASCI is an independent, accessible, child-friendly home where moms (and dads) can go for quality professional care.
We stand for diversity and multiculturalism, tolerance, compassion and solidarity. Improving children's opportunities here and now is our goal.

For whom.
Are you a single (future) mom (or dad) who has little or no income and does not qualify for regular social assistance? Then you can turn to NASCI. Families in (temporary) difficulty are also welcome.

NASCI has two locations. Our first is in a beautifully renovated, child-friendly, cozy and efficiently decorated house in Schaerbeek. Two days a week you can also find us in the heart of Brussels in the 'HuisvandeMens'. In both locations you are guaranteed a warm and professional welcome. Welcome!

What do we do?
NASCI creates well-being and social inclusion through
NASCI does not provide direct financial support to parents or families, but could use your support for its operation.

In what language?
Among colleagues we speak Dutch and French, but we have colleagues who speak Arabic, Russian, Turkish, Peul, English, Italian or Spanish. With the moms we speak French, English and Dutch and if possible and necessary their mother tongue.

Our vision and mission
By empowering a mother, giving her insights and boosting her self-confidence, she becomes stronger. That can only benefit her children's education.Creating well-being and social inclusion for disadvantaged families living in poverty is a multifaceted story that requires an approach across multiple domains. Together with mothers, we work to build a better foundation for their children's future.
Socially vulnerable mothers and children can turn to Nasci when they have nowhere else to turn to.
Customized and group supportNASCI deploys support that fits into the local social policy of the Flemish Community Commission (FCC) and the Common Community Commission (GGC) of Brussels. To this end, NASCI offers a low-threshold reception point, individual guidance tailored to a target group in need and a socially reinforcing group dynamic.
Our objectives
In the metropolitan context of Brussels, NASCI wants to create solidarity and promote social commitment within our society. NASCI aims for an integral approach and attention to the different problems of a family living in poverty. The well-being and rights of each child take precedence.Want to know more? Click here for more info on our goals.

objective 1
Brussels-wide and workingThroughout the Brussels-Capital Region, we create well-being and social opportunities for children in disadvantaged circumstances. We identify their specific needs and respond to them. We are also an active partner in social networks and consultation bodies.

objective 2
Offering stuffFor both parents and children, we provide material and hygienic supplies such as clothing, shoes, toys, bedding, school supplies, diapers, nursing and menstrual products.

objective 3
Informing and referringWe support educationally, we act as a social information point for people in disadvantaged situations, we refer where necessary and we work for and with our target group.

objective 4
Providing medical assistanceTo vulnerable disadvantaged mothers and children who cannot (yet) benefit from regular health care, we offer personalized primary health care, in collaboration with partners. We do general health prevention and education and we raise awareness about applicable safety measures and vaccinations.

target 5
Being an open houseWe are a warm, approachable, familiar, child-friendly and open home where a listening ear, cordiality and professional support are above all else. We also organize workshops, recreational activities and weekly meeting times tailored to our moms.

objective 6
Dynamic volunteeringOur volunteer operation is dynamic and founded on diversity and multiculturalism. We offer internships and also encourage alternative community service.